The designated area incorporates the Jobs Well Road junction on the B4312 in Johnstown and travels in an easterly direction up Monument Hill and down Picton Terrace to meet the St Catherine’s Street roundabout. It continues along St Catherine’s Street, spurring north up Water Street to the junction with Glannant Road and Pentrefelin Street, on to Barn Road and Francis Terrace and continuing to Richmond Terrace before bearing right along Old Oak Lane and reaching Old Oak roundabout. The boundary spurs east along Priory Street, through Abbey Mead and as far as Tanerdy roundabout on the A484, being the eastern extent of the AQMA. At Old Oak roundabout the boundary also spurs right along Priory Street and through Church Street, Spilman Street and on to the junction on the A484 below County Hall. The boundary travels south over Towy Bridge as far as the Towy Bridge roundabout, which is the southern extent of the AQMA. From the junction below County Hall the boundary travels west along Coracle Way and on to Morfa roundabout before heading north up Morfa Lane to meet up with St Catherine’s Street roundabout and then heads west back to the Jobs Well Road junction completing the AQMA boundary.