Caerphilly Ton-y-Felin Roadside

Caerphilly Ton-y-Felin Roadside closed on 04/05/2006

You can still view any information available using the Site Information tab, or find data in the Data section.

For more information on this monitoring data please contact this local authority.

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Caerphilly Ton-y-Felin Roadside closed on 04/05/2006

You can still view any information available using the Site Information tab, or find data in the Data section.

Statistics for Caerphilly Ton-y-Felin Roadside

Site Name Caerphilly Ton-y-Felin Roadside
Site Type Roadside
Easting, Northing 315000, 187000
Latitude, Longitude 51.575433, -3.227965
OS Grid Ref
Site Comments
Monitoring Network: Welsh Automatic Urban pollution Monitoring
Parameter Date Started Date Ended
Nitrogen dioxide 14/07/2004 04/05/2006
Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide 14/07/2004 04/05/2006
Ozone 14/07/2004 04/05/2006
Nitric Oxide 14/07/2004 04/05/2006
Particulates < 10um (hourly measured) 14/07/2004 04/05/2006

The photographs show the site itself, and views looking North, East, South and West.

  • Monitoring Site Photo

  • View North

  • View East

  • View South

  • View West

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